About Me

i love singing, dancing, music in general. i also love acting and all kinds of thearter. i also just cant possibly leave out my obsession with anime^^. you could just call me an arts kid. at school, i play the guitar(classical), sing, act, and chill with everyone. my school is the one place i will charish forever. my school is diferent from anyone elses. for one, my school does not have sports. im glad about that. also, my school has an arts program that kicks ass!! in the morning i have my academic classes.then i have all of my arts classes right after lunch. artz=luvv^^ my forte is singing, but my secondary talent would be acting. im really good at both. i do alot of outside school work in both fields so i get to be really tired. ill end with this: i looked in the mirror and what did i see, a poser was trying so hard to be me, but if i am the poser, the poser is me, then who is the poser trying to be? ~ simply i enjoy people who are real, not only to others but to themselves. i enjoy people alot and i i hope you will want to join my crusade, on the road to life~

25 January 2009

to all the new people to my blog, thx for subscribing!^^ and i would like to ask that you read the beginning posts because they help you understand exactly what im talking about!X3, once again, thx.^^ peace



Anonymous Blogger said...

im obsessed with music too

Anonymous said...

hi, i think like this whole blog of yours is seriously amazing, and i just sat here and kinda read everything and found it funny&like some of those thigns i go thru too. and i would like to get into contact with you, wether it be myspace, or aim, or whatever. just talk yah know. share our young thoughts on anything, oh and you can get me at "yumcupcake xx" please, i'd really love it (:

oh and my name is Kelley. (boy lol.)

Anonymous said...

I Was Reading A Little So Far And This Is Pretty Amazing!!