About Me

i love singing, dancing, music in general. i also love acting and all kinds of thearter. i also just cant possibly leave out my obsession with anime^^. you could just call me an arts kid. at school, i play the guitar(classical), sing, act, and chill with everyone. my school is the one place i will charish forever. my school is diferent from anyone elses. for one, my school does not have sports. im glad about that. also, my school has an arts program that kicks ass!! in the morning i have my academic classes.then i have all of my arts classes right after lunch. artz=luvv^^ my forte is singing, but my secondary talent would be acting. im really good at both. i do alot of outside school work in both fields so i get to be really tired. ill end with this: i looked in the mirror and what did i see, a poser was trying so hard to be me, but if i am the poser, the poser is me, then who is the poser trying to be? ~ simply i enjoy people who are real, not only to others but to themselves. i enjoy people alot and i i hope you will want to join my crusade, on the road to life~

23 July 2009

scariest day OF MY LIFE!!!!

so i invited bradley over my house, while nobody was in but me. he lives 40 minutes away so it was a long time in which something could have gone wrong. thank god nothing did. so i was freaking out for 40 minutes when finally he got there! he came in with messy hair, a funny shirt and some kakis!^^
i showed him around the house and then we kissed a little in the kitchen. then we went into the living room onto the couch and kissed forever. he gave me my first kiss and it was magical!^^ then i told him he had to leave ( cuz we were pushing it on time, my mom was due to get home in like 15 min.) and he went to his car. i stopped him before he left and gave him one of my special pieces of jewelry, my FMA cross. he drove away and 5 inutes later my mom came home!!!!!
if he got caught he would have been sent to jail, and i wouldnt have gotten half of the things i wanted for my birthday!!!
it was truely the scariest day of my life!^^



Planetx_123 said...

sounds scary, but would he have really gone to jail? you are 15 or 16, right? So thats not four years apart, which I thought is what mattered... or are you not in the U.S.?

None the less, good luck!


Judie said...

that cute he gave you your first kiss. ^-^ tehe.
congrats and good luck.
I'm happy for you


JRC said...


Secretly Gay Boy said...

lucky u, how old is bradley?

Anonymous said...

how old is he cuz im 13 and my boyfriend just turned... older

Nick said...

I like the word Kellogs because in the middle of the it say ello like a British greeting "Ello governor"
Anyway ya goin get raped kid

Anonymous said...

I know this is a very late reaction, but I've only just started following your blog... aniway, I hope you'll write something new soon, because I'm so curious what's happened since then! :D

zet11 said...



Anonymous said...

Hello, I have read your blog; "15, gay and learning to live". I did not a better way to contact you other than this, could you please link to my blog and I will link to yours. My blog compiles tales of coming of age sexual experiences. This is the address


Anonymous said...

About Bradly who has 18yo you said "but hes not a pedofile, stalker, or rapist!x"

I have difficulty to understand your mind !

You are 15yo soon 16yo RIGHT ? Brad are 18yo and you said as sentence an amazing paradox !

Firstly a pedophile is attracted only by boy under 10yo and without pubic hair OK

In Canada before the consevative government the legal age for sex (gay or straigt) was 14yo and the other boy was having to not be more older of 22yo for a boy of 14yo.

Me I begun sex at 13yo BUT with boy of 14yo who was my neighbor and we were playing in the same ice hockey team.

But at 14yo I had been with my friend in boyhouse and I had sex with many boys during that summer but never older of 17yo by taste and any boys under 14yo was allow to come in that old house .

You are 15yo and stop be scared for have crush for a boy of 18yo or chosse only boys of 17yo BUT live what you wish because polcy officer search real peodophile with young kid and live your sexway

Jeremy 20yo - Canada